As individual financial situations vary, so do gifts to Park Tudor. Only you can decide the amount that is appropriate for you. Each and every gift is important and genuinely appreciated. We hope that each member of our school community will participate to the extent possible for him or her.
The Annual Fund supports the annual operations of the school, and the funds are used in the same year.
Capital campaigns are periodic initiatives that support projects not generally funded by the yearly operating budget. The object of most capital fundraising is the augmentation of the endowment or the construction or renovation of campus buildings.
An endowment can be compared to a savings account or other financial assets that generate income through wise investment of the principal. Priority is placed on long-term growth of the endowment to satisfy future needs of the school. Income earned from the endowment is used to support the school’s operating expenses and to provide financial assistance opportunities for students.
We are truly grateful for members of the Park Tudor community who volunteer their time – they are integral to the success of our school. But regardless of time, we hope that financial support of the school will be among the top priorities of your charitable giving.