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The Alumni Association and Office of College Counseling have partnered to provide Park Tudor juniors and seniors an opportunity to explore different careers.

Alumni are invited to host a “shadow” student during a typical workday. Students gain a realistic idea of what it is like to work in certain professions/industries, aiding their career path decisions.

Job shadows can occur throughout the year – half or whole day experiences. Summer and other breaks are also an option. Alumni outside the Indianapolis area can also participate. Some students will travel, coordinating a shadow day with a family vacation or college visit. If you are unable to provide a shadow opportunity but want to participate, consider connecting with a student in person, by Skype or by phone.

PTJobShadow allows alumni to give back to Park Tudor in a meaningful way and opens the door to potential interns and employees for the future. Want to participate? Complete the following survey to be added to our PTJobShadow database. When the counselor and student have identified a match, the student will contact you. Prior to the shadow day the College Counseling Office will provide information for making the most out of the experience.

Please direct questions to Acting Director of Development, Abby Ford, at

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